What about broadening my career as a scholar?
Recently at universities the jobs of scholars are becoming more and more fluid. At Kyoto University, scholars from other universities, public research agencies, and private companies use their advanced skills to engage in research, education, and specific kinds of professional work. However, forms of employment have also diversified, and the job market is becoming even more fluid. For example, there has been an increase in the number of scholars employed for fixed-term projects.

I want to work as a scholar/specialist for the long haul while adapting to various needs.
Is there anyone with whom I can talk about life events and building a career as a scholar?
I only have experience in university research environments, and would like to know more about the possibility of engaging in research at companies and national research institutes.
Click here for information on who to talk with about your career and programs for advancing your skills.
JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientists: Overview and Application Handbook [Edition 2.3]
Writing Seminar on Doctoral Course Fellowship (DC1/DC2)
JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientists: Overview and Application Handbook [2nd Edition]
Questions from Scholars
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