AResearch and Educational Activities
A-1 I want to further develop my research!

JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientists:
Overview and Application Handbook [Edition 2.2, April 2024]

The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Research Fellowships for Young Scientists program (Gakushin program) cultivates human resources that will forge the future of academic research.
We, Kyoto University Research Administration Center (KURA), created this booklet to help people, primarily DC1 and DC2 applicants, apply to this program. (DC1 and DC2 support doctoral students.) However, it also discusses PD applications. (PD supports postdoctoral researchers). 

Edition 2.2 has been published. This edition has been revised along with the open call for 2024 GAKUSHIN.

Only PDF version is provided.  Access to the website that provides PDF version is restricted to internal networks of Kyoto University.

Link page for the PDF version [Internal access only]

Contact: Kyoto University Research Administration Center
ecr* (Please replace * with @)
Regarding procedural matters, please contact your contact point (see appendix 1).