I want to further develop my research!
Funding is necessary to carry out research. One approach is intelligently using funds acquired on one’s own to do the research one prefers. Alternatively, there is also the option of contributing to large scale joint research projects.

What kind of external funding is available?
I want to try applying for large-scale external funding.
I’d like to actively work as a member of joint research projects to accumulate knowledge and experience, heighten my skills, and build my CV.
I plan to do research in a field different than my current area of expertise. Please tell me more about how to acquire external funding in such a situation.
Is it efficient to gather funds via donations (such as crowdfunding)? Are there no risks involved when exposing my research plan? I’d like to know more about the merits, demerits, and steps involved.
Click here for information on support for various phases of research projects, as well as on knowledge and skills needed to further develop one’s research activities.
JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientists: Overview and Application Handbook [Edition 2.3]
JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientists: Overview and Application Handbook [2nd Edition]
令和5年度(2023年度)採用分 学振特別研究員 制度・申請説明会
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