C-2 What about new ways to release research findings and "open science"?
Making Books Open Access: Interview series 1
C-2 What about new ways to release research findings and "open science"?
Making Books Open Access: Interview series 3
C-2 What about new ways to release research findings and "open science"?
Making Books Open Access: Interview series 4
C-2 What about new ways to release research findings and "open science"?
Making Books Open Access: Interview series 2
A-1 I want to further develop my research!
Improving Design Skills Seminars (in Japanese)
C-2 What about new ways to release research findings and "open science"?
Publishing Seminars (in Japanese)
C-2 What about new ways to release research findings and "open science"?
Interview on International Publishing
C-2 What about new ways to release research findings and "open science"?
Research evaluation focusing on societal impact (in preparation)
アイスランド大学人文学研究科研究部長 エリクル・シグラソン
C-2 What about new ways to release research findings and "open science"?
Writing in the Logic of English 4
Jane Singer, Associate Professor of Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies
C-2 What about new ways to release research findings and "open science"?
Challenge to break a spell “publish or perish” (in preparation)
出版プラットフォームF1000代表取締役 レベッカ・ローレンス
D-1 What about overseas experience and career building?
Writing in the Logic of English 3
SAITO Yoshiomi, Motoshi Suzuki, Professor of School of Law and School of Government
D-1 What about overseas experience and career building?
Writing in the Logic of English 2
Yoko Iyeiri, Professor of Graduate School of Letters
D-1 What about overseas experience and career building?
Writing in the Logic of English 1 [internal access only]
Carl Becker, Appointed Professor of Policy Science
C-2 What about new ways to release research findings and "open science"?
What’s Open Science for Scholars?
Kazuhiro Hayashi, Senior Research Fellow, Science and Technology Foresight Center, NISTEP